
Oct 06 2024


9:00 am


Misty Creek Community Church
Sandy Springs, GA


Sack Lunch Brigade – Elizabeth Foundation

Misty Creek is proud to support the work of The Elizabeth Foundation by providing 200 sack lunches each week and beginning in January 2024, one hot meal the last Sunday of each month to support the needs of their homeless clients living on the streets. To learn More about the Elizabeth Foundation click here

Our lunches consist of a generous PB & J sandwich, chips, a napkin, cookies/crackers/granola bar (your choice) and a mint or hard candy.  Some folks add an encouraging message on the outside of the lunch bag or include it with the lunch.

If you would like to provide lunches in quantities of 20 or more on every Sunday, we would love for you to get involved!  Ask your friends and neighbors too!! Please sign up on our Sack Lunch Brigade Sign Up Genius at

Use the link or scan this QR for the Sack Lunch Brigade SignUpGenius page:

Each week we need lunch makers and a driver to deliver to a location in Brookhaven.

To learn more, please contact Marcia Melick at (770) 355-5800 or Patricia Norton at (770) 490-9399

More info about the new hot lunch program to come in the new year.

For more information, please email