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Image for Stephen Ministry

Stephen Ministry

Bear one another’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ (Galatians 6:2, NRSV).

Misty Creek is pleased to offer Stephen Ministry. This is a program designed to equip and organize congregation members in providing high-quality, one-to-one, Christ-centered care to individuals navigating life challenges. Thisministry is named in honor of Stephen, one of the first deacons in the early Christian church, renowned for his compassionate ministry. If you are interested in receiving care from a trained Stephen Minister, please contact Karen Foreman at

Image for Creek Kids Children’s Ministry

Creek Kids Children’s Ministry

We encourage our families to worship together at the start of our worship services, and then children are released to their classes. We offer classes for: birth to age 4 and age 5 to 10. Our gatherings feature a safe, nurturing environment where they experience a lesson, specifically tailored to their age group! Our leaders are safe sanctuary trained. Our children are offered a fun environment where they learn through song, games, stories, and crafts. Our older children will experience a message, a game or craft, specifically designed for their age group.

Image for Youth Ministry

Youth Ministry

We are the Student Ministry of Misty Creek Community Church. We recognize the hurting and broken world our families live in, so we partner with parents in equipping students to be servant leaders by modeling Christ and teaching Biblical truths.

Our youth group meets weekly in homes and various other locations. We experience transformation through Biblically focused worship, groups, gatherings, missions, retreats and outings.

Image for Young Adults

Young Adults

We are a group of young adults, ages 18-30, encouraging one another as we go to college, work jobs, and start putting our roots down in life.

What We Do

Our ministry is defined as something that produces an effect or change in someone. Our goal is to produce an effect or change in those around us for the sake of Christ.

Mentoring Teenagers

We encourage our young adults to mentor our teenagers through a program called Alpha.

Image for Worship Ministry

Worship Ministry

Why We Worship

We worship the Triune God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit because He is indeed worthy of all praise, glory and honor. He is the Creator and Sustainer of all things and He created us. Every week at Misty Creek, we begin each service by inviting the Holy Spirit into our midst. Jesus told the Samaritan woman at the well that God is looking for worshipers who will worship Him in spirit and in truth. (John 4:21-24) This is a mystery but we rely on the Holy Spirit to open our hearts and minds to the truths of God. As the Apostle Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 1:21:22 “He anointed us, set his seal of ownership on us, and put his Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come.” As followers of Christ, since we have His Spirit within us, this enables us to truly worship Him in spirit and in truth.

What is Worship

First of all, worship is more than what happens on Sunday mornings, it is a lifestyle. Paul writes in Romans 12 “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.” God sees our entire lives as an act of worship, we should honor him every day in all we do and all we say.

Worship Style

At Misty Creek, our overall worship style is contemporary with a praise band but we do mix things up with a variety of different musical styles ranging from bluegrass, rock, pop gospel, etc. Most Sundays we’ll sing a variety of songs from hymns to classic worship, to the latest songs by Bethel Music, Elevation, Hillsong, etc.

Image for Hospitality


The word “hospitality” literally means love of strangers and is found several times in the New Testament (Romans 12:13; 1 Timothy 3:2; Titus 1:8; 1 Peter 4:9). Our Mission is to show the love of God through the gift of hospitality. Our Objectives are to serve and welcome each and every one into the Misty Creek Community Church so they can experience a dynamic relationship with Jesus Christ and equip them for service to God and humanity.


The Hospitality Ministry wants to ensure the best possible worship experience for our members and guests at all worship services. Our aim is to help make our worship services warm, inviting, and safe. We do this many times through refreshments and other special ways of making folks feel at home. The Hospitality Ministry also serves at other church services and events as needed.

To learn more about the Hospitality Ministry and how to share your gift, please contact:

Marty Chambless at:

or Peggy Browne at:

Image for Adult Sunday School

Adult Sunday School

At the moment, we have one adult Sunday school that meets at 9 am on the bottom level of the Stone Chapel. This is a biblically-focused class taught by Jeff and Lori Willis.

Image for Women’s Ministry

Women’s Ministry

Women Rooted in Christ is a women’s teaching ministry of the new Misty Creek Community Church. Our mission is to disciple women in their relationship with Jesus Christ, through Bible study, prayer, fellowship and mentoring. Our goal is to love, serve and honor Jesus Christ in all areas of our lives, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

O God, you are my God, earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you, my body longs for you, in a dry and weary land where there is no water.

Psalm 63:1

Our Covenant Leaders: Sally Abele, Audra Anders, Peggy Browne, Vi Clyne, Joy Culbreth, Ashley Drew, Amy Hillegass, Pamela Menefee, Libba Morris, Hope Patterson, Joye Percival, Beth Quick, Valerie Scott & Becky Wright


9:45-11:45 am in the basement of the stone chapel at Misty Creek.

To register for the morning sessions, contact Ashley at


7:00-9:00 pm @ TBA (Dunwoody/Sandy
Springs Area)

To register for the evening sessions, contact
Sally at

Image for Men’s Ministry

Men’s Ministry

The Men’s Ministry at Misty Creek is constantly giving men opportunities to become more like Christ. Our main focus is to nurture all men and help them develop a closer relationship to God. We offer group studies for men throughout the year and fellowship opportunities.

Image for Evangelism / Outreach

Evangelism / Outreach

The purpose of our Evangelism Outreach Ministry is to seek and save the lost through Jesus Christ. The areas of this ministry include: livestream services, communications; Community Relations Outreach ; Missions & Greeters; Spiritual Recovery; Visitation and Home Bible Studies and small groups. Prayer walks and community wide gatherings and services.

Image for Prayer Ministry

Prayer Ministry

We have a dedicated prayer team that continually prays for the needs of the church, the world and the community. Each Sunday a member of the prayer team prays during the worship service. If you’d like to leave a prayer request, you can call or text our prayer line at (678) 386-8233.