Our Mission: Love God •  Love People •  Make Disciples
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This Sunday
Adult Sunday School at 9am- Jeff Willis
Scripture Reader- Robert Jones
Prayer Leader- Laurel Jones
Sermon- Stephen Streett
Worship Team- Martin Addison, Doug Allen, T Collie, Creig Harber, Sandra Harris, Spencer Lingle, Josh Reed
Creek Kids- Mollie Dixon
Romans 8 Reading- Elegance & Emmanuel Lonergan, Jacob Menefee, Andy & Katie Trizzino
Head Usher- Harlan James
Tech Team- Bruce Duff, Eric Oliver, Daniel Pope
Graphics/Video- Carl Culpepper

Attention Congregation:
We have blessing bags to pick up this Sunday to hand out to folks who may be in need.

A note from our Pastor

This Sunday’s sermon addresses the current global and national disasters, suggesting they may signify the end of the age. I will explore the book of Daniel, emphasizing that despite the challenges faced by God’s people, God’s sovereignty and promise of victory prevail. Daniel’s prayer serves as a model of confession and petition, acknowledging Israel’s sins while seeking restoration from God. This message ultimately calls for a spiritual awakening in America, highlighting the hope for revival and transformation in the nation and beyond.

Many of you are participating in our 21 days a prayer and fasting. I want to encourage you to journal and reflect during these 21 days. I believe it would be beneficial if folks were willing to share what God has revealed to them during these 21 days. For those who are willing to share this information with the congregation, I would love for you to email me your thoughts/notes. I would then compose them into a devotion guide that we would share with the congregation.

These are some of the questions that you could respond to that we would share in a simple devotion guide: During the 21 days of prayer and fasting, how did you become closer to the Lord? What did He reveal to you? What did you refrain from during these 21 days? Did you take on something new as a way of leaning more into God? How did the Holy Spirit prompt you to continue to lean more into Him as you spent more time doing things that bear fruit and make a difference for the kingdom? Are there any scriptures that you found especially helpful during this time of prayer and fasting?  Please email me your reflections by January 28 at

Scripture Verse for 2025
Last Sunday the congregation was given a note card to take home (if you did not receive a notecard, we have plenty at MC). The purpose of taking this card home is for you to pray intently on a scripture you would like to share with the congregation that you believe is your theme scripture for 2025. You’ll be asked to bring your index card back to MC over the next two weeks. We will then display the cards for the entire church to see.

Grace and Peace,

A note from our Worship Pastor

Revive Us Again
What comes to mind when you think of the word revival? Does it take you back to your childhood when churches would hold services every night of the week in an attempt to recapture the love of Christ again?  There’s absolutely nothing wrong with a church attempting to grow closer to God through a week of services to seek His face but real, lasting revival begins in an individual’s heart, then spreads to his or her family and then spreads to the church, then the community and then quite possibly the nation.

Taken from the root word revive, it quite literally means to bring back to life, to become active, to flourish again. Our nation and our world are in a state of decay. The more that God is removed from a society, the more that society descends into depravity, filth, moral decay and chaos. We are living in a time where everyone does what is right in their own eyes. Absolute truth is becoming unacceptable and intolerable, especially the Word of God. The Truth of Scripture has even become intolerable in many churches. The Truth of God’s Word has been exchanged for a lie. Many churches are lukewarm at best, many more are dead altogether.

But Christian, all is not lost. I was reading this week in the book of Ezekiel about the valley of dry bones, you can read about it in Ezekiel 37:1-14. God took Ezekiel to a valley full of human bones. He asked him “Son of man, can these bones live?  Ezekiel replied “Sovereign Lord, You alone know.”  God told Ezekiel “Prophesy to these bones and say to them, hear the word of the Lord!” What God did next was simply amazing! Ezekiel spoke life into the dry bones and God wove together tendons, muscle and flesh and brought the dead, dry bones back to life. It was a vision of what He intended to do for the nation of Israel. And it’s what He wants to do for all who will humbly turn from their wicked ways and seek the Lord.

I believe we witnessed the beginning of a revival in this country 2 years ago, February 8th, 2023 on the campus of Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky. No famous theologians, no big-name worship leaders or musicians…just a group of students who were hungry for an encounter with God. They humbly confessed their sins and shortcomings and simply poured out their hearts to Jesus. That revival spread to many other colleges campuses around the country and I believe that the Lord heard those prayers and right now in 2025, he has opened a window of mercy to the United States of America.

Christian, if you’ll once again, completely and humbly surrender your life to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, then you are positioned for revival to break out in your own heart, and in the hearts of your family members and then who knows, perhaps then in the church, the community, the nation and the world. All things are indeed possible with our great God!

Are you ready for revival?

I love y’all…
Your brother in Christ Jesus our Lord

2 Chronicles 7:14
If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

Mission Trip 2025 Fundraising Begins!!!
This Sunday, January 26th is our Commitment Sunday for all those who plan to join the 2025 MC3 Back Into the Wild Mission Trip to Ecuador to serve Jungle Kids for Christ this summer June 6-13.  Mark your calendars and come hungry!!! We have our first fundraiser planned for February!  See below! Please join us for a Spaghetti Lunch!!!
ALSO, in March we will be hosting a March Madness 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament where you can sponsor teams to play and raise money. The  Tournament will take place on Saturday, March 1 at Mount Vernon Presbyterian School Gym.  More info to come on that!!!

Elizabeth Foundation
Sack Lunch Brigade continues every Sunday!!! If you have never participated in making the lunches for the homeless, we will be hosting a Sack Lunch Making and Fellowship Event on Saturday, February 15 from 10-12 in the church basement. All supplies will be provided!  Bring your family, invite friends and we will show you how it’s done!  If you are new to Misty Creek or have never participated in this ministry, we would love to have you join us!!

Additionally, next Sunday, February 2, we will be serving hot lunch to the folks at The Elizabeth Foundation who regularly receive our sack lunches.  If you have never participated in serving, it only takes an hour – from 1-2pm and then we are done!  Please contact Lisa Nemetz at (404) 803-1795 if you are interested in learning more about both opportunities.

Next Mission Team Meeting is Sunday, February 19, at 12pm in the church basement.  All are welcome!!!! Snacks will be served!

Blessings from The Mission Team

Upcoming Men’s Bible Study at Misty Creek
Upcoming Events
Visual Testimonies
Ladies! You are invited immediately after church on February 9th to make a “visual testimony!” This will take place right here on our campus. Scripture instructs us to remember and tell what God has done in our life. We will use handmade glass beads to create a visual display of our faith story that we can tell to others.

There is no cost for this activity; please text Susan Oltman at
404-805-7766. She will share a template to gather a few notes to help translate faith events into a visual representation. Looking forward to many women participating!

Adult Sunday School
Every Sunday at 9am in the basement of the chapel. Join us for excellent Bible teaching with application.

Creek Kids 
For nursery age through 5th grade meets every Sunday in the Misty Creek basement. Children will attend worship with their parents/guardians at 10:30am and will be dismissed during the welcome and announcement time.

Youth Alpha
At Misty Creek 1/26 4:30-6:00 with dinner.

Power Hour
We invite you to join us every Thursday night 7 – 8 PM for “Power Hour”!!! One hour of praise, worship and spirit filled prayer! We will meet at the home of Brett and Marty Chambless 2 Ball Mill Place, Atlanta 30350. You may call Marty for more information / 404-861-2636

Ecuador Mission Trip
Commitment Meeting today 1/26 at 5:30pm with a light dinner.

View Last Week’s Service

Please join us for contemporary worship on Sundays at 10:30 AM