Are You Troubled By Demons?
January 31, 2021
Mark 1: 21-28
All of us have times in our life when we are confronted with problems and emotions that almost overwhelm us. There have been times in my life when, emotionally, I was at the end of my rope and feared it would break. Perhaps you have had that experience too. What comfort it is to know that we have a Friend who can heal brokenness of any kind—whether it is physical, emotional, or spiritual—if we will let Him.
This poor man in the synagogue was tortured of spirit. Maybe the demons that were troubling him were hatred, envy, resentment and especially un-forgiveness or guilt. “What do you want with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are—the Holy One of God!”
“Be quiet!” said Jesus sternly. “Come out of him!” The impure spirit shook the man violently and came out of him with a shriek. Let’s not allow the drama of this encounter to blind us to what is really happening here. Jesus saw a man who needed help and he gave that help just as he has helped millions since. Do you believe he wants to help you whatever your need may be? Are you willing to trust him?
Paul Tournier was a brilliant thinker and writer, and an influential Christian therapist during his time. Doctors from around the world traveled to his home in Switzerland to learn from him. He wrote, “It is a little embarrassing for students to come over and study my ‘techniques.’ They always go away disappointed because all I do is accept people.” That’s what Jesus does for people too. He accepts them. It makes no difference who they are or what they’ve done, he accepts them. And if they will trust him, really trust him, He is willing to deliver them, heal them, quiet their spirit and make them whole once again.
How about you? Are you troubled by such worrisome, but everyday demons like worry, hatred, envy, resentment, guilt or un-forgiveness? You have a friend who loves to cast out demons. He wants to help if you will let him.
Grace and Peace,