“Happiness Is… ” (Part 2) – The Main Business of the Church

May 16, 2021

Stephen Streett

Happiness Is Part 2
Telling Our Story
Acts 1:1-11
Ascension of the Lord

Here, my friends, is the main business of the church—to witness to the love of God made manifest in Jesus Christ. We, the church, do not exist for own pleasure or fellowship. Neither are we simply a social service institution. We are the body of Jesus Christ reaching out with loving arms to the world. It is so easy to forget who we are and what we are about. We want to be a church that defines our culture. We don’t want to be defined by what’s out there. We want to be defined by what’s in the Word of God! We love all sinners, but we do not love sin. The church is called to help the sinner please God not the other way around. We love you just away you are, but we don’t want you stay that way. The goal is complete transformation (Romans 12). We want you to experience the transformation and the power that comes from the Holy Spirit.

Our primary goal is for everyone to accept Jesus Christ. To know him as their Savior. Trade the pursuit of more for a life worth pursuing. I don’t expect you to be like me, Doug, or to be like the folks in this faith community. We want you to be like Jesus. Our goal is to help you get there! Our mission is to love God, love people, and make disciples. Culture encourages those who don’t like the truth or don’t know the truth to make up their own truth. If you don’t like it make up your own. We must draw near to Christ with boldness. God is saying to us draw near. Yes, it might be a little difficult at first, but you will be healed and restored. To draw near to God in boldness you must embrace the whole gospel. You can’t separate or piecemeal the gospel.

After ministering to teens and young adults for 30 years, here is the overarching message of what is being taught and believed in our culture today. If it feels good and doesn’t hurt anybody go ahead and do it. Let’s refuse to cheapen God’s grace. Let’s never sell out the word of God for the sake of public opinion and to make everyone feel good. Instead, lets tell the true, authentic story of Jesus and how he set us free to be who He created us to be.

Here are Jesus’ final instructions to his disciples: “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” After he said this, he was taken up before their very eyes, and a cloud hid him from their sight. His final words. His last chance to instruct them and what does he say? “You shall be my witnesses . . .”

Grace and Peace,

“Happiness Is… ” (Part 2) – The Main Business of the Church

By Stephen Streett|May 16, 2021

“Happiness Is… ” (Part 1) – Mother’s Day & Graduation Day 2021

May 9, 2021

Stephen Streett

Happiness Is Part 1
John 15: 9-17

This Sunday we honor Mothers. I would like to thank all of you who shape our lives and build our families and serve as our safe place as we go out into the world. Mothers have a unique power to influence their children no matter how old those children get. It is not easy being a mom. But most of us have learned to appreciate the many sacrifices our moms have made on our behalf. As a pastor, I am reminded not to get too sentimental about motherhood because:

(a) For some, motherhood is an accident, and not always a welcome one.
(b) For some, biological motherhood is not possible.
(c) For some, mothers were not all that nice.
(d) For some, motherhood under the best of circumstances is still less than a bed of roses and for some who have lost their mothers, this can be a sad day. For some mothers, even when their children disappoint, their love does not cease.

Jesus told his followers, “As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love.” Jesus’ words are the model for us all: mothers and fathers and grandmothers and grandfathers, as well as children and siblings and friends. Because God loves us, we love one another. Because He forgives us, we forgive one another. At the center of the Gospel is the self-giving love of God. Notice from our text the link between love and happiness. Jesus says to his disciples, “These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be complete.” Notice that love is essential to joy.

Grace and Peace,

“Happiness Is… ” (Part 1) – Mother’s Day & Graduation Day 2021

By Stephen Streett|May 9, 2021