“That’s So Fire!!” (How to Start a Fire: Receive the Holy Spirit, pt.9) – 6/11/23 Service

June 11, 2023

Stephen Streett

How to Start a Fire: Receive the Holy Spirit, pt.9
That’s so Fire!!
John 17:1-11

That’s so fire! That’s current Gen Z teen slang for “off the charts awesome!” When something happens that is dynamic, amazing, and, as we older generations might say, “really, really cool,” it’s now “SO fire!” People in the workforce recognize “FIRE” as a different concept. For many, FIRE means “financial independence, retire early,” a lifestyle aspired to by many. The idea is to work hard and long in your early years so that you can retire early and enjoy your later years. Sadly though, this strategy has backfired for many, leaving some retirees to languish for years upon years without a feeling of connection and purpose, while their money declines rapidly in an inflation economy. Some have returned to the workforce in their later years due to necessity, some due to financial or psychological need, as a panacea for their dilemma. We need connection. The “FIRE” lifestyle may seem enticing in the short term, but it’s the purposeful engagement with something that “fires us up” that makes us feel that life can be “so fire!”

It’s no wonder then that Jesus’ best promise to us is the kind of life that he knows will give us our best sense of identity, connection, purpose, mission, and joy: the “life of God.” Or better said perhaps: “life in sync with God”––a life that is Fully Intimate, Relational, and Exceptional! A FIRE life. Not the kind of FIRE life in which we “retire” and remove ourselves from work, mission, purpose, and connection, but the kind that immerses us entirely within it. That’s what entering into the “life of God” means. It’s a kind of spiritual life in which we exude joy, peace, holiness, and intimacy. And it happens right in the here and now no matter our other circumstances. Eternal Life. That’s the promise Jesus makes to his disciples.

But what exactly does that mean? Scholars tell us that the word “eternal life” here in the Greek is “zoe aionis.” The phrase suggests a kind of life that happens in the fullness of time. It refers not to a duration of life or a future destination in life but to a “quality of life” based in the “knowledge” (ginosko) of God (the Father/Son/Holy Spirit). As we said when we talked about the “Way” of Jesus, “eternal life” in this sense is not something we look for in the hereafter, but something we can have right now –a fully intimate, personal relationship with God, in which we “know” God spiritually, emotionally, deeply, and truly. We bond with God in a way that makes us “one” with God. Jesus explains to his disciples that he has had this relationship with God himself as he completed his mission on earth. He now offers that same kind of relationship to his disciples, so that they too can “know” God (and Jesus) in the person of the Holy Spirit personally and intimately and can therefore do amazing things in Jesus’ name.

The Holy Spirit is tasked therefore with a mission to unify the disciples with God and with each other in a way that enables them to harness the power of healing and change that will enable them to make an impact in the world in which they are living right now.
The disciples by way of this “eternal life” condition will experience a special relationship with God. All who belong to Jesus, who believe in him, will be gifted “eternal life” –the ability to forge a life with God in which Jesus resides in them and they in him now and in the future.

Grace and Peace,

“That’s So Fire!!” (How to Start a Fire: Receive the Holy Spirit, pt.9) – 6/11/23 Service

By Stephen Streett|June 11, 2023

“Getting Directions” (How to Start a Fire, pt.8) – 6/4/23 Service

June 4, 2023

Stephen Streett

How to Start a Fire: Receive the Holy Spirit, Pt.8
"Getting Directions"
John 14:25-27 & Acts 16:9-15

We have been living on borrowed time. In the over 3,100 years of recorded world history, the world has only been at peace 8% of the time or a total of 286 years, and 8,000 treaties have been made and broken. On any given day, soldiers are firing in thirty to forty nations. Wars of liberation. Territorial disputes. Religious principles. "One man's freedom fighter is another's terrorist," the saying goes, but the common denominator is death. Day in and day out. I wonder if the apostle Paul ever felt that way. Probably. After all, he lived in a scary world himself — no nuclear nightmares, but just about every other kind. Listen to what he says:

"Five times I have received from the Jews the forty lashes minus one. Three times I was beaten with rods. Once I received a stoning. Three times I was shipwrecked; for a night and a day I was adrift at sea; on frequent journeys, in danger from rivers, danger from bandits, danger from my own people, danger from Gentiles, danger in the city, danger in the wilderness, danger at sea, danger from false brothers and sisters; in toil and hardship, through many a sleepless night, hungry and thirsty, often without food, cold and naked. And, besides other things, I am under daily pressure because of my anxiety for all the churches." — 2 Corinthians 11:24-28

But Paul had something to get him through, something that every Christian has (if we only allow ourselves the luxury). Paul had the sure and certain conviction that he was not alone in this scary world, and that the Lord who loved him and gave himself on the cross would not leave him to fend for himself. The promise had come from Jesus' own lips:

"I have said these things to you while I am still with you. But the ... Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything, and remind you of all that I have said to you. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid." — John 14:25-27 (NRSV)

And yes, I did leave out one word, an important one, one which describes the work of the Holy Spirit. Depending on your translation, it might be "Advocate," "Comforter," or "Encourager." The Greek verb behind it is parakaleo, which means literally "to call to one's side" — usually asking the other for help. In a legal context, it has the flavor of "helper at court." Whose helper then? Ours? Perhaps. But it might mean Jesus' helper, as well. The Paraclete comes to speak to us for Jesus. What was it Jesus said? Teach us? Remind us of all that Jesus said to us? The Holy Spirit speaks to us on behalf of Jesus. The Holy Spirit helps us remember the continuing presence of this Jesus who promised to be with us always. The Holy Spirit helps us hear Jesus.

Grace and Peace,

“Getting Directions” (How to Start a Fire, pt.8) – 6/4/23 Service

By Stephen Streett|June 4, 2023

“What Is Pentecost?” (How to Start a Fire, pt.7) – 5/28/23 Service

May 28, 2023

Stephen Streett

Sermon May 28, 2023

How to Start a Fire: Receive the Holy Spirit, pt.7
"What is Pentecost?"
Acts 2:1–9

“What Is Pentecost?” (How to Start a Fire, pt.7) – 5/28/23 Service

By Stephen Streett|May 28, 2023

“Empowered by the Spirit, pt.2” – 5/21/23 Worship Service

May 21, 2023

Stephen Streett

How to Start a Fire: Receive the Holy Spirit, pt.6
Empowered by the Spirit, Part 2
1 Corinthians 12:1-12
Imagine a church where everyone understands his own gifting as well as the giftings of the other believers they serve with. Imagine understanding the gifts given to your children and spouse. Imagine being able to recognize these gifts in new believers and helping them grow into them. We talk about "every member in ministry" but how can this happen without an understanding of these gifts and how to "minister" using these gifts. Sunday, we will look at the three broad categories of gifts. Then we'll explore the operation of these gifts. From last week’s message, I hope you have a general familiarity with the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Will you open your heart and mind to receive the gifts that God wants to give you?

• The discerning gifts are words of knowledge, words of wisdom, and discernment of spirits.

• The declarative gifts are prophecy, tongues, and interpretation of tongues.

• The dynamic gifts are faith, gifts of healings, and working of miracles.

Grace and Peace,

“Empowered by the Spirit, pt.2” – 5/21/23 Worship Service

By Stephen Streett|May 21, 2023

“Empowered By The Spirit”(How to Start a Fire: Receive the Holy Spirit, pt.5) – 5/14/23 Service

May 14, 2023

Stephen Streett

How to Start A Fire: Receive the Holy Spirit, pt.5
Empowered by the Spirit
1 Corinthians 12:1-12

Before we can go any further with this teaching series about the Holy Spirit, let me warn you, you will undergo transformation. That does not mean that you will become weird, charismatic, or Pentecostal. Did you know that three different sets of gifts are given in the Bible? The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit each gave a set of gifts for the fullest functioning of The Body of Christ, the Church. Each believer in the Church has been given a unique assortment of these gifts for the advancement of the Kingdom of God on the earth and for maximum fulfillment of God's call for each individual believer. Imagine a church where everyone understands his own gifting as well as the gifting’s of the other believers they serve with. Imagine understanding the gifts given to your family... to your children and spouse. Imagine being able to recognize these gifts in new believers and helping them grow into them. We talk about "every member in ministry" but how can this happen without an understanding of these gifts and how to "minister" using these gifts? This Sunday, we will take a look at the “gifts” of the Holy Spirit.

Grace and Peace,

“Empowered By The Spirit”(How to Start a Fire: Receive the Holy Spirit, pt.5) – 5/14/23 Service

By Stephen Streett|May 14, 2023

“Unconditional Surrender” (How to Start a Fire: Receive the Holy Spirit, Pt.4) – 5/7/23 Service

May 7, 2023

Stephen Streett

How to Start A Fire: Receive the Holy Spirit, Pt.4
"Unconditional Surrender"
John 16:5-16
This month we will celebrate the ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ into heaven and the arrival of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. In this sermon series we are learning that God came in all his glory and power when he sent the Holy Spirit. And when you accept Jesus into your heart, you also accept the Holy Spirit. One of the goals in this series is for you to fully utilize one of God's greatest gifts. The question today is will you surrender unconditionally to live with the full power and indwelling of the Holy Spirit?

This power is still the guarantee of what God can do. If the children of God were to unite each day to wait on his promises, there would be no limit to what God could do for them and through them. I believe that the greatest desire of the Holy Spirit and of the Father is for Christ to be glorified in you. I pray this also will be your greatest desire. Many years ago, it dawned on me that the most important spiritual exercise of each day is to pray that God will send the Holy Spirit to us for our daily crisis and needs. Without the Spirit, we can neither please God nor support others. Our prayers must have their own origin in God, the highest source of power, if they are to raise our lives to fulfill God's purpose. If the Holy Spirit prays through us, as human channels, our prayers will rise again to God, who is their source, and will be answered by the divine working in ourselves and in others. Our life depends chiefly on the quality of our prayers and not on the quantity. When you pray therefore, ask your heavenly Father to again give you the Holy Spirit today. He longs to do it.

Grace and Peace,

“Unconditional Surrender” (How to Start a Fire: Receive the Holy Spirit, Pt.4) – 5/7/23 Service

By Stephen Streett|May 7, 2023

“Baptism of the Holy Spirit” – 4/30/23 Worship Service

April 30, 2023

Stephen Streett

How to Start A Fire Part 3: Receive the Holy Spirit
Baptism of the Holy Spirit
Luke 3:15-22

The heavens are breaking open. Breaking wide open. Can you hear the voice of God? Imagine with me that we are part of the crowd, gathered around the Jordan River, witnessing the baptism of Jesus. Witnessing the heavens opening… We’re expectant…filled with great expectations of what might be happening. We’ve been following John the Baptist, this wild and woolly prophet who promises us better days ahead. Who assures us that God is with us and we will be saved. We’re tired of the government…the government who uses violence and militarism against its own people; abuses us with taxes; discriminates based on religious belief.

We are in desperate need of salvation….not some kind of salvation that only comes to us when we die, but salvation in the here and the now…some hope that we can be saved from tyranny and oppression and find a new way of life. So, we are attracted to John the Baptist, and hope that he might be the one to save us. But he surprises us, by announcing that he is not the Messiah…no someone more powerful than he is coming, and this person won’t baptize us with water, but with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit? We don’t even know what that means. We can see and touch this water—we bathe in it and drink from it–but we can’t even conceive of the Spirit. We can’t see or smell or taste or touch the spirit of God. How can we be baptized with it? And he will also baptize with fire…what on earth could that mean? And who, we wonder, could be greater than John?

The word "Baptism" is a transliteration of the Greek word BAPTIZO which means to immerse. In 1 Corinthians 2:13 Paul says, we have all been baptized by one Spirit into one body.” The next step for a new believer is water baptism. This Sunday, we will gather at the river and witness God’s claim on those being baptized. For those who have been baptized you will have a chance to remember your baptism. And for those who have never been immersed, you will have the opportunity to remember your baptism through immersion. Ephesians 4:5 says there is one Lord one faith and one Baptism. One Lord 3 persons = Trinity, likewise, one baptism 3 distinct forms.

The Holy Spirit baptizes us in Jesus. 1 Corinthians 12:13 teaches us that it is the Holy Spirit who baptizes us into Jesus. The Holy Spirit reveals Jesus to us, and when we repent and believe in Jesus we are saved.
The disciples baptize us in water. Romans 6:3–4 says that when we are water baptized, we are buried with Him into His death. Our old life is put away when we get water baptized. After salvation, a believer makes a conscious decision to get water baptized.
Jesus baptizes us in the Holy Spirit. All four gospels (Matthew 3:11, Mark 1:8, Luke 3:16, John 1:33) confirm how Jesus baptizes us in the Holy Spirit. When we are baptized in the Holy Spirit, we are empowered to live our new life in Christ.

Scripture confirms all three baptisms. 1 John 5:7–8 shows that the blood (salvation), water (baptism), and Spirit (baptism in the Holy Spirit) are all in one agreement. Acts 2:38 tells us to repent (salvation), be baptized (water baptism), and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit (baptism in the Holy Spirit). Five years later in Acts 8:12–17, people are told to believe, and then they were water baptized. Afterward Peter and John prayed that they would receive the Holy Spirit. Twenty-five years later, in Acts 19, the same pattern of all three baptisms occurred.

Father, thank you for the three baptisms in scripture. Thank you for the gift of salvation and water baptism. Thank you for baptizing us in the Holy Spirit so we can be empowered to live a victorious life. Allow the Holy Spirit to work through us with his grace and gifts. In Jesus name, Amen.
-Grace and Peace,

“Baptism of the Holy Spirit” – 4/30/23 Worship Service

By Stephen Streett|April 30, 2023

Is The Holy Spirit a Person?” (How to Start a Fire: Receive the Holy Spirit, Pt.2) – 4/23/23 Service

April 23, 2023

Stephen Streett

How to Start A Fire: Receive the Holy Spirit
Is the Holy Spirit a Person?
Romans 8:26–28; Ephesians 4:25–32

The Holy Spirit has a distinct personality. As the third person of the Trinity, He has a soul. He has the mind of God, He knows the will of God, and He has God’s emotions. The Holy Spirit is a person, and He has a mind. If you don’t see the Holy Spirit as a person, then you won’t develop a personal relationship with Him. A person has a personality and a mind. The Holy Spirit helps us think what God thinks, desire what God desires, and feel what God feels. John 16:13 says that the Holy Spirit leads us into all truth.

The Holy Spirit knows everything, lives inside of you, and is committed to being your teacher. He has a soul. If you would like to know God’s will, get to know the Holy Spirit. We know the general will of God from the Bible, but we can know the specific will of God when we hear His voice. Romans 8:26–27 says that when we don’t know what to pray, the Holy Spirit can help us because He knows the mind and will of God. Jesus came so we could have a personal relationship with God. The way we know God’s will is to get to know the Holy Spirit.

Grace and Peace,

Is The Holy Spirit a Person?” (How to Start a Fire: Receive the Holy Spirit, Pt.2) – 4/23/23 Service

By Stephen Streett|April 23, 2023

“How to Start a Fire: Receive the Holy Spirit!” (pt.1) – 4/16/23 Service

April 16, 2023

Stephen Streett

How to Start A Fire: Receive the Holy Spirit!
John 14:16–17, 25–26, 15:26, 16:7, 12–13

This Sunday, we begin a new six-week sermon series
How to Start a Fire: Receive the Holy Spirit
The most misunderstood person in the Trinity is the Holy Spirit. Many people don’t know how to interact with the Holy Spirit or what His presence offers us. In this six-week series, How to Start a Fire: Receive the Holy Spirit , Pastor Stephen Streett explains that the Holy Spirit’s chief desire is for relationship—to offer us the encouragement and guidance of a trusted friend. He will move beyond religious tradition and cultural misconceptions to clarify what the Holy Spirit promises to do in your life. With examples and powerful testimonies, this series will encourage you and challenge the way you interact with the Holy Spirit.

Serving With Joy,

“How to Start a Fire: Receive the Holy Spirit!” (pt.1) – 4/16/23 Service

By Stephen Streett|April 16, 2023