“If We Are The Body… ” (Pt.4) – 8/13/23 Worship Service

Stephen Streett

"If We Are The Body... " (pt.4)
Romans 12:1-5 and 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Many of you have heard Joye Percival and I speak of thin places, meaning a thin space between heaven and earth.” While we cannot manufacture these thin spaces, where heaven and earth meet, there are those sacred moments (some are practices) that are predictable and even promised “thin spaces.” God promises that when we draw near to Him, He will draw near to us; that where two or three gather in the name of Jesus, He is there with them; that “God inhabits the praises of His people” (Psalm 22:3 – the Hebrew word, “inhabits” is yashab which means to sit, settle, dwell, inhabit, and abide); that “the word of God is living and active” (Hebrews 4:12); that if we ask, seek, and knock it will be given, we will find, and the door will be opened to us (Matthew 7:7); that God initiates, calling and knocking at the door and if we will hear and answer He will come in (Revelation 3:20); the reward of our loving obedience is God showing himself to us (John 14:21 — the word “show” means to reveal and manifest); to name a few.

These promises are so powerful and point to the power and presence of God and His revelation. It is in these “thin spaces” where the source of revelation (God Vision) is able to work and speak into our lives. It is in these “thin spaces” that we’re in a position spiritually to hear and see what God is wanting to say and show us.

The church struggles with the temptation to look to alternative sources or to make the moments and practices the point and purpose, when in fact they are merely a pathway to the point and purpose. It isn’t the singing, the praying, the gathering, the obeying, etc., that are the main experiences. It is where those take us, into the awareness and manifest presence and revelation of God! Revelation (God Vision) is the work of the Spirit. If we are not careful, we can easily find ourselves in a position of loving the work of the Lord more than the Lord of the work.” In the end, He is the vine, we are the branches, and apart from Him we can do nothing, not even have a clear or right vision.

Grace and Peace,

“If We Are The Body… ” (Pt.4) – 8/13/23 Worship Service

By Stephen Streett

“If We Are The Body… ” (pt.3) – 8/6/23 Worship Service

Stephen Streett

Sermon August 6, 2023:
"If We Are The Body... " (Part 3)
Romans 12:1-5 & 1 Corinthians 12:12-27

“If We Are The Body… ” (pt.3) – 8/6/23 Worship Service

By Stephen Streett

“If We Are The Body… (pt. 2)” – 7/23/23 Worship Service

July 23, 2023

Stephen Streett

If we are the Body: Part 2
Romans 12:1-5 & 1 Corinthians 12:12-27

The sermon this Sunday will be broadcasted live from Misahualli, Ecuador. We will begin with each MC3 Into the Wild Team member sharing about the trip. If the reception is good, our mission team may sing a song during the message. Questions the team will be answering:

How has our team been the body of Christ this week?

Share your God wink moments.

What is your greatest take away from this experience?

I will tell a powerful story about one of my palliative care patients and the body of Christ.
I will share real life experiences of how our Mission team and Misty Creek continue to be a healthy body of Christ. How we share one another’s joys and sorrows. How we have remained connected to the MCCC body of Christ while in Ecuador. How we all work together for one purpose. Please Continue to pray for our team as we prepare to return from Ecuador July 23, arriving back in Atlanta July 24 at 5:46am.

Our MC3 Into the Wild 2023 Team: Pastor Stephen and SJ Streett, Lisa and Mike Nemetz, Jacob Menefee, Sam and MJ Eads, Amy, Andy and Katie Trizzino, Ellison Finke, Brianne Lonergan, Elegance Lonergan, and Alicia Cosby.

Grace and Peace,

“If We Are The Body… (pt. 2)” – 7/23/23 Worship Service

By Stephen Streett|July 23, 2023

“If We Are The Body… ” (Part One) – 7/16/23 Worship Service

July 16, 2023

Stephen Streett

If We are the Body: Part 1
Romans 12:1-5 & 1 Corinthians 12:12-27

Back in 1985, William R. Greer performed an in-depth chemical analysis of the human body and its mineral properties. His conclusions were published in the International Herald Tribune and The New York Times. Greer claimed that the average human body contained 5 pounds of calcium, 9 ounces of potassium, 1 and 1/2 pounds of phosphorus, 6 ounces of sodium, 6 ounces of sulfur, 1 ounce of magnesium, and trace amounts of iron, iodine, and copper. According to a professor at the Illinois Medical School, the total value of these minerals is just a little over $8.00. So, the value of the human body is roughly equal to the price of a movie ticket in most major cities. Makes you feel good, doesn't it? Our Bible passages for Sunday are about the church being the body of Christ. Why do you think the apostle Paul used the image of a body to symbolize the church?

Senior Pastor: Stephen Streett

“If We Are The Body… ” (Part One) – 7/16/23 Worship Service

By Stephen Streett|July 16, 2023