“The Beauty After The Battle” (Jesus in the Wild, Pt.6) – 4/2/23 Palm Sunday Service
April 2, 2023
Stephen Streett
Luke 4:14
This Sunday is Palm Sunday. "They took branches of palm trees and went forth to meet him, and cried, Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!" John 12:13 Hosanna is from a Biblical Hebrew phrase meaning "Pray, save us." Any kind of thanks and adoration aimed at God could be considered a hosanna. In church, many of the prayers and songs are hosannas. I hope you’ll join us this Sunday as we offer many hosannas to the King of Kings.
When we are walking in the fullness of our calling, what are the results in our hearts, homes, churches, and cities?
Resilience is a commonly heard word these days. When challenges come (and our nation has faced many this past week), and we face them with faith and fortitude, we come off our battlefields with a greater capacity to hold up—spiritually, emotionally, mentally, physically— through the wilds of life. “Forty days, three temptations, and three vocationally charged answers later, the devil walks away from the battle. In other words, the devil calls it quits on the game—but is not calling it quits on the season.
There are seasons of relief in our battle with the adversary of our souls—and for those, we can be grateful”. Like Jesus, there are battles we go through with the enemy of our souls, battles during which our calling is deeply and relentlessly contested. But every battle has an end, and it is in taking them on one by one that we find the strength to walk with Jesus through them to the other side. Our calling will always be contested but know that with each challenge we can emerge with greater spiritual resilience, capacity to trust, and, hopefully, a more fierce and steadfast commitment to walk in our calling into union with Christ.
Grace and Peace,