“Worth Waiting For” (Returning to Discipleship, pt.8) – 5/26/24 Worship Service

May 26, 2024

Stephen Streett

5/26/24 Misty Creek Community Church Worship Service:
"Worth Waiting For" (Returning to Discipleship, Pt.8)
A Meaningful Memorial Day Service

One of the great joys of being a "preacher" is that, when writing a sermon," I am aware of my freedom to express my faith in the way I understand that God is leading me. In many places in this world and in many other times, that is or was not true. Those in power can control the voice of the church to suit their desires. Furthermore, I realize that this freedom I have is not to be taken for granted. It is a costly gift that has been preserved at the cost of many willing to sacrifice that it might be. Some have given to the point of sacrificing their lives in the defense of freedom. As a nation, we will pause this Monday to honor those who have made the supreme sacrifice for this nation's freedom as we observe Memorial Day.

It was fitting that last weekend I preached about Jesus breathing the Holy Spirit on the Disciples. For, truly it is God's Spirit at work in the world that gives birth to freedom and empowers those who would preserve and defend it. The challenge is for those of us who have received these two precious gifts, the power of the Holy Spirit and the freedom to be led by that spirit, is to be faithful in how we live out our faith and our freedom to do so.
Last Sunday we welcomed the arrival of the Holy Spirit to empower us to do the will of God. Now it is time for us to go do His will—to make disciples, to preach the Kingdom of God and do acts of mercy and justice and healing that show the world the love of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. How can you do this most effectively? By allowing me to introduce you to our greatest advocate. The Holy Spirit.
1 John 14:16-18 “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever— the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you. 1 I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.”

Grace and Peace,

“Worth Waiting For” (Returning to Discipleship, pt.8) – 5/26/24 Worship Service

By Stephen Streett|May 26, 2024

“Do You Have Rhythm?” (Returning to Discipleship, pt.7) – 5/19/24 (Pentecost) Worship Service

May 19, 2024

Stephen Streett

5/19/24 (Pentecost) Service
Misty Creek Community Church
"Do You Have Rhythm?" (Returning to Discipleship, pt.7)
Senior Pastor: Stephen Streett
Worship Pastor: Doug Allen

“Do You Have Rhythm?” (Returning to Discipleship, pt.7) – 5/19/24 (Pentecost) Worship Service

By Stephen Streett|May 19, 2024

“A Life with Purpose” (Returning to Discipleship, pt.6) – 5/12/24 Mother’s Day Service

May 12, 2024

Stephen Streett

Returning to Discipleship part 6: A Life with Purpose
Acts 9:36-43
(Mother’s Day)

During the sermon this Sunday, I am going to open with challenges faced by parents, especially mothers. I am going to emphasize the critical role of compassion in discipleship, backing this concept with illustrative examples. I am going to elaborate on the courage needed for compassion, leading to a broader discussion on the current state of apathy globally. I will also contrast different responses to compassion, exploring the story of a self-absorbed woman and a sympathetic girl who befriends a newcomer at school. I will spend some time delving into the biblical narrative of Tabitha, a compassionate disciple of Jesus, renowned for her kind deeds. When she dies, the power of belief brings her back to life, leading to a surge of faith in her community.

The sermon highlights the importance of having a purpose in life. I will further urge the congregation to transform their compassion into tangible action. The sermon concludes by drawing parallels with the lives of Tabitha and Dr. Martha Myers, both models of compassion that left lasting impacts on others. MC will be reminded of their divine purpose: to emulate Jesus's compassion and thus make an eternal impact. The sermon resonates with themes of compassion, purpose, and the transformative power of kindness, inspiring the congregation to carry these lessons into their daily lives.

Grace and Peace,

“A Life with Purpose” (Returning to Discipleship, pt.6) – 5/12/24 Mother’s Day Service

By Stephen Streett|May 12, 2024

“Gathering” (Returning to Discipleship, pt.5) – 5/5/24 Worship Service

May 5, 2024

Stephen Streett

5/5/24 Worship Service

Sermon message:
"Gathering" (Returning to Discipleship, pt.5)
Matthew 28:19-20

This week's sermon focuses on the importance of gathering disciples for mission, following Jesus' example of intentional disciple-making. It highlights Jesus' emphasis on discipleship in various settings, guiding disciples to gather and scatter for the kingdom. By prioritizing people, channeling God's presence, showing grace, caring for souls, and sharing wisdom, disciples can expand the kingdom like Jesus. The sermon encourages Misty Creek to continue the mission of making disciples, guided by the presence of Jesus, and empowered by the Holy Spirit for Kingdom expansion.
Grace and Peace,

“Gathering” (Returning to Discipleship, pt.5) – 5/5/24 Worship Service

By Stephen Streett|May 5, 2024

“A Team Approach to Unity” (Returning to Discipleship, pt.4) – 4/28/24 Worship Service

April 28, 2024

Stephen Streett

Returning to Discipleship Part 4: A Team Approach to Unity
Psalm 133
In this sermon, the main point is to emphasize the importance of unity among God's people, both within families and within the church. I will begin by highlighting Psalm 133, which speaks about how good and pleasant it is when God's people live together in unity. Emphasizing that God searches for unity in families, churches, and other relationships, as it is pleasing to Him. Satan desires to divide and conquer. He loves it when there is division, gossip, and slander in the church. In essence, individuals who disagree with the vision and leadership of the church and they make it known. Unity dismantles the power of the enemy.

This Sunday, I will share with you the various ways unity is fostered within Misty Creek, including worship, missions, prayer, fellowship, and clear communication of vision and beliefs.
To illustrate the importance of unity, I will use the analogy of a rowing crew. Emphasizing that in rowing, the team's unity and synchronization are crucial for success. Similarly, within the church, unity is necessary for accomplishing God's purposes. We will be encouraged as a congregation to care for one another, to support each other's strengths and weaknesses, and to have a team mindset rather than an individualistic one.

In the sermon I will reference the book of Acts, highlighting the unity among the early believers on the day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit was poured out. We will look at Scripture to further emphasize the importance of unity, such as Philippians 2:1-2, 1 Corinthians 1:10, John 13:35, and Philippians 2:3.
The main takeaway is that unity among God's people brings about blessings, enables effective ministry, and displays the love of Christ to the world. It involves putting aside selfish ambitions, valuing others, striving for agreement and peace, and loving one another. Having a team approach to unity calls for repentance, forgiveness, and reconciliation where there is disunity, emphasizing that unity is a vital aspect of discipleship and essential for the church to fulfill its mission;

To Love God, Love People, and Make Disciples.

Grace and Peace,

“A Team Approach to Unity” (Returning to Discipleship, pt.4) – 4/28/24 Worship Service

By Stephen Streett|April 28, 2024

“Abide & Produce” (Returning to Discipleship, Pt.3) – 4/21/24 Worship Service

April 21, 2024

Stephen Streett

Misty Creek Community Church
4/21/24 Worship Service:
"Abide & Produce" (Returning to Discipleship, Pt.3)
John 15:1-10, 16

In this week’s sermon, "Abide and Produce," I will emphasize the importance of disciples staying strongly connected to Jesus. I will open the sermon with a personal story about my wife Karen's daily devotional habits, using her example to illustrate the concept of abiding in Jesus. I will reference the Gospel of John, particularly the unique perspectives John offers regarding life in Christ. The focus is on the concept of a new heart in God's children, where divine law becomes a living force shaping their lives, unifying them with Jesus just as He aligns with the Father.

The sermon employs powerful metaphorical imagery of the vine and its branches, a resonance with ancient Jewish traditions. In this allegory, Jesus designates himself as the true vine whose followers should remain connected to him to bear good fruit. I employ this metaphor to underline the essentiality of remaining linked to Jesus, as spiritual growth cannot be achieved independently. The act of abiding in Jesus signifies an ongoing intimate relationship with Him, fueled through consistent prayer, worship, and immersion in God's Word. Towards the conclusion, a call to action is made: disciples need to evaluate their lives, discern areas not bearing healthy fruits, and prune those parts to foster fruitfulness. Encouraging listeners to acknowledge their grafting into the divine vine through Jesus, I will underscore the need to bear fruit which testifies to God's glory.

The sermon highlights the importance of abiding in Jesus, thereby leading his followers towards a spiritually richer life firmly established in Christ. The sermon leaves an impactful message that a prosperous spiritual life stems from maintaining a close relationship with Jesus.

Grace & Peace,

Senior Pastor: Stephen Streett
Worship Pastor: Doug Allen

“Abide & Produce” (Returning to Discipleship, Pt.3) – 4/21/24 Worship Service

By Stephen Streett|April 21, 2024

“Glow in the Dark” (Returning to Discipleship, pt.2) – 4/14/24 Worship Service

April 14, 2024

Stephen Streett

This week’s sermon, "Glow in the Dark", delves into the concept of discipleship and the sharing of one's faith. I will introduce a five-step process 'BLESS' - 'Begin with Prayer', 'Listen and eat together', 'Serve others', 'Share your story', and 'Speak up for others'. We will look at the common excuses Christians use to avoid sharing their faith. I want to stress that spreading the Gospel need not be complex. Using prayer to ask God to reveal himself to others, sharing meals to build relationships, serving others to show God's love, and sharing personal transformation stories are crucial steps in guiding others towards Jesus Christ.

The message this Sunday will emphasize the importance of speaking up for our faith, referring to 1 Peter 3:15 to encourage believers to always be prepared to explain their faith. This Sunday, I will highlight the importance of words in conveying the Gospel, alongside actions. Discipleship extends beyond Sunday services and can be cultivated through daily actions. The story of Evan Mawaire, who experienced dire consequences due to his activism in Zimbabwe, is referenced to underscore the capacity of prayer and the power of extending God's love beyond religious or political affiliations. Overall, this week’s sermon stresses both the urgency and the privilege of sharing faith, making disciples as Christ commanded. It urges believers to pray continuously for God’s love to reach persons distant from Him and to seek His guidance in spreading the Gospel efficiently.

-Grace and Peace,

“Glow in the Dark” (Returning to Discipleship, pt.2) – 4/14/24 Worship Service

By Stephen Streett|April 14, 2024

“Returning to Discipleship, Pt.1” – 4/7/24 Worship Service

April 7, 2024

Stephen Streett

This Sunday’s sermon explores the theme of discipleship based on selected biblical texts and personal anecdotes. Using Luke 19:10 and Matthew 28:18-20 as foundational texts, I will emphasize the responsibility of each believer to actively seek out others and teach them the ways of Christ. I will also address the necessity of resisting cultural influences antagonistic to Christian discipleship, a process I underscore through my own practices like prayer, evangelism, and community engagement.

The message is that discipleship involves more than doctrines and rituals—it's an everyday practice, shaped by relationships and persistent outreach to those far from God. I will further explore the concept of discipleship through a real-world example: the life of Evan Mawarire, a pastor and activist from Zimbabwe, who endured persecution because of his faith. The sermon connects Evan's resilience and ongoing commitment to evangelism with believers' obligation to share their faith, emphasizing the transformative power of the gospel.

The sermon concludes with a call for bold discipleship, using every available platform to make disciples in the community. I want to encourage the congregation to see themselves in the story of Evan Mawarire, reminding them that discipleship is just as much about living out one's faith by defending the rights of the needy and oppressed as it is about sharing the Gospel.
-Grace and Peace,

“Returning to Discipleship, Pt.1” – 4/7/24 Worship Service

By Stephen Streett|April 7, 2024