“Stepping Into The Story” (The Story You Live In… pt.6) – 11/26/23 Worship Service
November 26, 2023
Stephen Streett
The Story You Live in is the Story You Live Out Part 6:
Stepping into the Story
Luke 1:30-33
Genesis 12:1 “The Lord had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you.”
The Lord has called us all to step away from all that’s familiar, just as he once called Abram. He has invited you into His story. To make room in your heart and your home for the infant Savior of the world. As we approach the season of Advent you are encouraged to leave behind the normal rhythms of life in order for God to reveal to you your place in His story. This is no ordinary place story. It’s a story filled with love, joy, peace, hope and endless possibilities.
I am thrilled that Misty Creek will begin a Church-Wide Advent Study December 1 (Get your Book by 12/1!!) The word advent comes from the Latin word adventus—a translation of the Greek word parousia, which means “coming.” The season of Advent encourages the church to look back and remember the birth of Christ, while looking forward in anticipation to the second coming of Jesus. Advent is the start of the (Western) Christian year and begins on the fourth Sunday before Christmas. This Advent we are thrilled to offer each Misty Creek family an Advent Devotion book, Protagonist: Stepping into the Story of Advent. We will begin the daily devotions from the book on December 1st. So, what is a protagonist? In this study the protagonist is the main figure in a real situation. The Creator steps into the story and takes on the lead role. The Author becomes the Protagonist.
Grace and Peace,