“Glow in the Dark” (Returning to Discipleship, pt.2) – 4/14/24 Worship Service

This week’s sermon, "Glow in the Dark", delves into the concept of discipleship and the sharing of one's faith. I will introduce a five-step process 'BLESS' - 'Begin with Prayer', 'Listen and eat together', 'Serve others', 'Share your story', and 'Speak up for others'. We will look at the common excuses Christians use to avoid sharing their faith. I want to stress that spreading the Gospel need not be complex. Using prayer to ask God to reveal himself to others, sharing meals to build relationships, serving others to show God's love, and sharing personal transformation stories are crucial steps in guiding others towards Jesus Christ.

The message this Sunday will emphasize the importance of speaking up for our faith, referring to 1 Peter 3:15 to encourage believers to always be prepared to explain their faith. This Sunday, I will highlight the importance of words in conveying the Gospel, alongside actions. Discipleship extends beyond Sunday services and can be cultivated through daily actions. The story of Evan Mawaire, who experienced dire consequences due to his activism in Zimbabwe, is referenced to underscore the capacity of prayer and the power of extending God's love beyond religious or political affiliations. Overall, this week’s sermon stresses both the urgency and the privilege of sharing faith, making disciples as Christ commanded. It urges believers to pray continuously for God’s love to reach persons distant from Him and to seek His guidance in spreading the Gospel efficiently.

-Grace and Peace,